Southeast HVAC News
Uniweld Launches The New
SmarTech™ Digital Manifold With Bluetooth Connectivity to Their
Complementary SmarTech™ App for The HVAC Industry.
Products, Inc. is excited to introduce their new SmarTech™ Digital
Manifold and free SmarTech™ App for use in the HVAC/R industry as
well as their new SmarTech™ Digital Vacuum Gauge.
Uniweld Products is very proud to introduce their new SmarTech™
Digital Manifold Part# USMAN5. In this digital age, and with
more digital products entering the HVAC/R market every year,
SmarTech™ strives to simplify service work for all technicians.
A new website,
smartech.uniweld.com, has been created to showcase Uniweld’s new
SmarTech™ Digital Manifold. Visit the website for a complete
overview of the digital manifold and learn how it works in
conjunction with the free SmarTech™ app, available on Android and
iOS devices.
The SmarTech™ app clearly displays temperature and pressure readings
and automatically calculates Superheat and Subcooling calculations
in real-time as the temperature and pressures fluctuate. All of the
guess work is taken out of properly charging a system with the Smart
Charge Zone™ feature. Color indicators signal whether the system is
overcharged (red), undercharged (blue), or has an accurate “in the
zone” system charge (green). Technicians can choose from 109
refrigerant types and create a custom list of their most commonly
used refrigerants.
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Professionalism is
enhanced with the System Performance Reporting. Visit the
SmarTech™ website to see a video that highlights all of the
features and advantages of the SmarTech™ Digital Manifold as
well as all of the accessories included in the bundle. The
SmarTech™ Digital Manifold by Uniweld is unexpectedly more.
The SmarTech™ Digital Manifold is complimented and works
flawlessly with Uniweld’s new SmarTech™ Digital Vacuum Gauge
Part# UVG. This vacuum gauge is very compact in design and
instantly displays accurate vacuum measurements (0-25,000
microns) in Microns, Pascals, Millibar, and mmHg on an easy to
read LCD screen. The UVG features self-calibration without the
need of other equipment and an automatic oil sensor that
indicates when the gauge needs to be cleaned. The UVG SmarTech™
Digital Vacuum Gauge will be available early in 2016 so keep an
eye out for this exciting new piece of tech from Uniweld