Southeast HVAC News
Noritz Sizing Calculator
Designed to Support Tankless Water Heater Selection for Both
Consumer and Contractor.
By answering two simple questions, homeowners
can make a preliminary determination of the tankless water heater
model needed and locate a qualified local installer. This
information makes it easier for the contractor to quote the right
Looking to smooth and simplify the
water heater-selection process for both homeowners and contractors,
Noritz America has unveiled a tankless water heater sizing
calculator as part of its newly updated website at noritz.com. The
“Find the Right Model for Me” calculator is intended as the first
critical phase in a three-step, online process designed to identify…
1) the correct Noritz tankless model for a given application;
2) a qualified, Noritz-trained contractor to quote and install the
unit; and
3) all available tax credits and utility rebates to lower the
installed cost and shorten the payback period.
“Consumers, of course, come to our site for basic information on
tankless technology, products and—most especially—product costs,”
explains Jason Fleming, marketing man-ager for Noritz America. “But
they don’t always know where to go next for a solution and a final
The new calculator jump-starts the process of finding an actual
solution by offering a preliminary idea of how big a unit is needed,
notes Fleming. The site then helps locate a nearby professional who
can make a final determination on water heater size, as well as the
gas-line and venting options, before quoting the cost of the product
and its installation. All the consumer needs is access to the
“We want to give consumers a better idea of what they need and where
to find it, so they feel more confident in their purchases,
especially when switching from a tank heater to a tankless
solution,” says Fleming. “Meanwhile, we also want to make it quicker
and easier for the contractor to pinpoint the Noritz model that best
fits a given application.” Story
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How it works:
Consumer visitors to noritz.com can link to the online
calculator, free of charge, right from the Noritz Home Page.
They are then prompted to enter two small, but vital numbers:
• Home zip code: This
geographic reference triggers an automatic calculation of the
“worst-case” (i.e., coldest) ground water temperature, wherever the
homeowner lives. The colder the water entering the unit, the larger
the burner that is needed to raise that temperature quickly to the
set point—usually between 110°F and 120°F. For a Chicago resident,
the system would peg the coldest ground water temperature at around
40°F and calculate the model size accordingly. But the same
household application in Florida or even North Carolina would likely
require a smaller model.
• Number of showerheads: This second key variable alerts the program
whether more than one shower is operating at once, thus indicating a
larger water heater is needed. If the home has more than two
conventional showers; or if high-flow showers, multiple body sprays
and whirlpool tubs are in the hot-water mix, the visitor is advised
to contact Noritz directly for a more precise, customized
consultation, according to Fleming. “We didn’t want our online
calculations to assume anything beyond the basics of one or two
conventional shower heads.”
Once the two questions are answered, the program indicates a model
number with a few basic specifications: burner size (Btus per hour),
maximum flow rate in gallons per minute, and the overall energy
efficiency. The user can print out this information along with a
specification sheet and hand them to the plumber he or she has found
by clicking the “Get a Quote” button.
“The calculator simply provides a baseline that the installer can
fine-tune as needed,” says Fleming, who stresses that only a
Noritz-trained, professional contractor can make the final product
recommendation and accurately quote the installed cost.
“Our aim is to maximize the Noritz buying experience for the
home-owning consumer,” he continues. “The best way to begin that
experience is by letting her know which tankless model most likely
represents the best solution for her home, so she can then start the
conversation with the plumber.”
For more information on the sizing calculator, visit
NORITZ AMERICA CORPORATION, a subsidiary of Noritz Japan, has
corporate offices in Fountain Valley, Calif., and Atlanta, offering
a full line of tankless water heaters to meet the hot water demands
of residential and commercial applications. Noritz supports its
products with a national network of skilled representatives and
employees who are committed to providing the finest products and
services to our communities by helping consumers live in a more
comfortable, efficient and healthy lifestyle. For more information
on Noritz America and the entire line of Noritz’s ENERGY STAR®
tankless water heaters, please call (877) 986-6748 or visit our
website at